Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) issued the following statement today regarding H.R. 3354, the Fiscal Year 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Act:

“I voted against this bill because it does not reflect the values of Ventura County residents. It defunds Planned Parenthood, Title X family planning, and teen pregnancy prevention programs. It cuts investments in infrastructure, local law enforcement, education programs, our national parks, and enforcement of clean air and clean water rules. It also fails to fund opioid addiction treatment programs, which we know are critical to saving lives. This wrong-headed bill does not invest in our future and contains dangerous policy riders that will undermine public health. Rather than wasting time on a bill that has zero chance of becoming law, we should be focused on passing a real, bipartisan budget agreement that reflects our priorities as a nation. I stand ready to work together, and I hope Republicans will join me.”

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