Point Mugu, CA – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) attended the official ceremony welcoming the MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft system to Naval Base Ventura County. Brownley has spearheaded Congressional efforts to fund research, development, and procurement of the Triton, which will have its west coast home at Point Mugu and support hundreds of jobs in Ventura County.
“As Naval Base Ventura County’s representative in Congress, I am honored to participate in the ceremony for the arrival of the MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft at Point Mugu,” said Congresswoman Brownley. “Funding for research, development, and procurement of the Triton has been a top priority for me, as it is an essential component of the Navy’s future intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities, and therefore a critical program for the continued strength of Naval Base Ventura County and our national security. When fully developed, this program will bring hundreds of jobs to Ventura County, bringing the added benefit of boosting our local economy. Today, we mark a critically important milestone in the Triton program’s development, and I look forward to the Navy bringing more of the Triton aircraft to Point Mugu. Ventura County is a wonderful place to live and to raise a family, and I look forward to welcoming the many new personnel and their families to our community.”
Since coming to Congress, Brownley has worked with the House Appropriations and Armed Services Committees to ensure support for the Triton program. This unmanned aircraft system will provide the Navy with improved maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, as well as aid humanitarian and disaster relief activities across the globe. When fully operational, the Navy has estimated that the Triton program will support hundreds of jobs at Naval Base Ventura County.
Issues: 115th Congress, Defense, Jobs, Economy, and Small Business, Local Issues