Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced more than $12.3 million in new federal funding for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects in Ventura County at Channel Islands Harbor, Ventura Harbor, and the Port of Hueneme.
“I have long fought alongside our local leaders for additional funds for Ventura County’s port and harbors, and I am pleased that our efforts have paid off once again,” said Congresswoman Brownley. “I am also thankful for the strong support that Ventura County projects have received from Col. Kirk Gibbs and David Van Dorpe at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District Office. The Port of Hueneme, Channel Islands Harbor, and Ventura Harbor are critical engines of our local economy that play an essential role in fueling job growth in the region. This funding will help keep them open for business, which is good for Ventura County residents and businesses alike.”
The U.S. Army Corps’ Work Plan released last week includes funds for dredging at Channel Islands Harbor, Ventura Harbor, and the Port of Hueneme, and “donor port” funds for the Port of Hueneme, pursuant to a law led by Congresswoman Brownley in 2016.
Channel Islands Harbor
The FY 2018 Corps’ Work Plan includes $6,400,000 for Channel Islands Harbor. This funding is on top of the $7,980,000 that was allocated in FY 2017 for the upcoming dredging taking place this year and an additional $400,000 from the FY 2017 work plan that was used for planning the jetty and breakwater project.
“The County is so pleased that funds have been made available to do additional dredging work in the sand trap at Channel Islands Harbor,” said Lyn Krieger, Special Projects Manager for the Ventura County Harbor Department. “This funding amount will allow a level of work rivaling the historic dredging number in 2013. We have been working with the Army Corps of Engineers for many years and appreciate the designation of funds for this critical project, which serves not only the Harbor but the City of Port Hueneme and Naval Base Ventura County.”
Ventura Harbor
The FY 2018 Corps’ work plan also includes $5,163,000 for Ventura Harbor to support this year’s annual dredge. This is on top of the $800,000 that was included in last year’s work plan also for the dredge.
Port of Hueneme
The Corps’ work plan also provided $762,000 for the Port of Hueneme. Of those funds, $650,000 was awarded to complete an upcoming maintenance dredging project, which is scheduled to begin later this year at the same time as the planned harbor deepening project.
The remaining $112,000 was awarded pursuant to donor port legislation that Brownley spearheaded the enactment of in 2016. Donor ports, so named because they contribute far more to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund than they receive back, receive an additional allocation of funds. Brownley’s legislation, enacted as part of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-322), ensured the Port of Hueneme, along with the Port of San Diego and Port Everglades, received equitable treatment as donor ports.
“We are grateful for Congresswoman Brownley’s help and the work of other federal partners for making sure we are included in the U.S. Army Corps’ work plan and are eligible for donor port funds,” said Mary Anne Rooney, President of the Oxnard Harbor District. “This critical funding will enable the Port to dredge its harbor, which in return allows the Port to continue generating over 13,633 jobs for the local community. It is a win-win as the dredged sand will be used as near-shore replenishment to help nourish our local beach ecosystem for years to come.”
“The timing for this announcement couldn’t be better as we are moving forward with multiple infrastructure improvements at the Port,” said Kristin Decas, CEO & Port Director for the Port of Hueneme. “The Corps’ component enables the Port to deepen and maintain the federal channel, thereby making the Port’s deepening from 35 feet to 40 feet complete from entrance to docking. In addition, the Port for the second year has received its donor equity allocation, thanks to the leadership and tireless efforts of Congresswoman Julia Brownley who brought this funding and the TIGER funding back to Ventura County’s Port.”
Issues: 115th Congress, Jobs, Economy, and Small Business, Local Issues, Transportation and Infrastructure