Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) was named to the House-Senate conference committee for the National Defense Authorization Act for 2019. Conferees are responsible for resolving differences between the House and Senate-passed versions of the legislation before it is brought back to the chambers for a final vote. Brownley was selected by her colleagues because of her steady and consistent leadership on national defense issues.

“As the proud representative of Naval Base Ventura County and Ventura County’s U.S. Coast Guard stations, I am focused on advancing our nation’s security interests and ensuring all members of our Armed Forces have the equipment and support they need to do their jobs effectively and safely. I want to thank my colleagues for entrusting me with this leadership role on one of the most important bills Congress will vote on this year. I look forward to working on a bipartisan basis with our Senate counterparts to ensure a strong conference agreement that reflects our shared priorities.”

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