Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) announced that she will serve as the co-chair of the Congressional Range and Testing Center Caucus, which serves as a forum to educate Members of Congress about Department of Defense major range and test facilities, like Naval Base Ventura County, and advocate for policies that support these critical national security assets. The Caucus’s other co-chair is Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-TN).

“As the proud representative of Naval Base Ventura County and the 19,000 military and civilian personnel who work there, I know firsthand how important range and testing centers are for ensuring our troops have the best technology to help them defend our nation,” said Brownley. “I am looking forward to working with Congressman DesJarlais and other members of the Caucus to ensure DOD has the resources needed to support our major range and test facility bases, which play a critical role in protecting the U.S. military’s technological advantages.”

Caucus activities are expected to include site visits to range and testing installations and briefings on topics affecting testing and evaluation. Learn more about the Caucus here.

For many years, Congresswoman Brownley has urged her colleagues to increase funding for the Navy’s Test and Evaluation Support program, which provides institutional maintenance and operations support for research, development, test, and evaluation at the Navy’s major range and test facilities. Learn more about her work on behalf of Naval Base Ventura County here.

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