Washington, DC – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) today announced the launch of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s new bipartisan Women Veterans Task Force and that Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), an Army veteran, will spearhead it in the Senate. The purpose of this effort is to increase the visibility of the two million women veterans living in the United States and to promote inclusivity and equitable access to resources, benefits, and healthcare for women veterans.

“Women have served our nation in uniform since its earliest days, yet for far too long, the contributions and distinct challenges facing the growing population of female veterans have been forgotten or ignored,” said Congresswoman Brownley. “My vision is for this Task Force to have a national presence and create a national dialogue where we can identify all of the inequities faced by women veterans and determine how we can tackle them through legislation and other means. I look forward to partnering with Senator Duckworth, who will bring her personal experience and knowledge to the Task Force, so we can best advocate on behalf on women veterans everywhere.”

“Women Veterans face many unique challenges and barriers as they transition from wearing their uniform to hanging it up after their time in the military. They often struggle to access their hard-earned VA healthcare and benefits, face heightened risks of suicide and homelessness and struggle to find consistent healthcare that is responsive to both their military service and gender-specific needs. That’s why we must continue working to improve and expand training at VA Women’s Health Clinics, fill critical vacancies throughout VA and so much more,” said Senator Duckworth. “Congresswoman Brownley has been a tremendous ally to the Veteran community, and I look forward to working with her to raise awareness of these issues and pass legislation that will improve the lives of women Veterans across the nation.”

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