Washington, DC — Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) released the following statement today following the announcement of two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump:

“Today, the diligent work of six House Committees culminated in the announcement of two articles of impeachment to hold President Donald Trump accountable for his abuse of power and his obstruction of Congress.

“The framers of the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the obligation to consider impeachment, when necessary, as a foundational cornerstone of our great democratic experiment, and I stand in strong support of our committees exercising that responsibility today. The evidence against the President is clear and damning, and if we do not act swiftly, he will continue to threaten our Constitution — and our democracy as a whole — by using his office to influence our elections for his own personal and political gain.

“I do not take this position lightly, and today will stand as a somber day in our nation’s history. When I came to Congress, I took a solemn oath to protect our Constitution, and I will do so above all else.”
