Washington DC – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) announced Maranda Jordahl, a sophomore at Oaks Christian High School, as the winner of the 2020 Congressional Art Competition for California’s 26th Congressional District.

“Every year, the Congressional Art Competition gives me a glimpse into the inspired artistic capabilities of High Schoolers in Ventura County. It is a pleasure to see such remarkable talent displayed at such a young age,” said Congresswoman Julia Brownley. “During difficult times like these, artistic expression remains one of the best ways for young people to engage with the events happening across the country and throughout the world. The Congressional Art Competition reminds us of the importance of supporting the arts in our schools and understanding its crucial role in a well-rounded education. I would like to thank all participants of this year’s competition and congratulate Maranda on a job well done.”

“I was able to find inspiration to take this photo with our current circumstances in the quarantine. I found the beauty within the beaches around my house and found a lot more opportunities to use my camera,” said Maranda Jordahl. “Even in the darkest time in our world, I’m happy to provide some beauty within it. I’m super stoked to have received such an award!”

“Young people are artists by nature; as children we sing before we can talk and we paint before we can even write our names. Young people need to express themselves to learn about the world around them and learn about themselves and who they will become,” said Peter Tyas, Executive Director of Studio Channel Islands. “The Congressional Art Competition is an excellent opportunity for our young people to share their talents, creativity and unique perspective on the issues that matter to them. Supporting our young people to learn about their own creativity and to nurture their talents is an essential part of education. Art is about self-reflection as much as it is about representation and the Congressional Art Competition celebrates the innovative thinking and the power of self-expression among our young people.”

Maranda’s artwork will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol complex for one year.

Started in 1982, the nationwide Congressional Art Competition is sponsored by the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and is an opportunity to recognize and encourage student artistic talent across the country. The competition is open to all students in grades 9-12 in California’s 26th Congressional District. The winner was selected by a panel of local judges.


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