Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) announced her office will be hosting a virtual information night for Ventura County students and their families to learn more about attending a service academy and the Congressional nomination process.

“Attending a service academy is a great honor and an excellent way for young Americans to serve their country,” said Congresswoman Julia Brownley. “Every year, I have the honor of nominating students to represent our district at one of the five prestigious service academies in the nation. I encourage all interested young people to attend and learn more about the academies and the Congressional nomination process.”

The session will be held via Zoom on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 5:00 PM. Interested students and their families can RSVP at CA26.RSVP@mail.house.gov

Representatives from the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and U.S. Coast Guard Academy will provide presentations on each of their institutions and will be available to answer questions.

Congresswoman Brownley’s staff will also be on hand to answer questions regarding the application process for a Congressional nomination. Applications for a Congressional nomination are due to her office no later than Tuesday, October 19, 2021.


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