Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376). 

“Once again, House Democrats delivered for the American people. Today, I proudly joined my House colleagues to pass one of the most historic investments in America’s working families, our children, our economy, and our future. 

“We have reached an inflection point. This is a moment to build an economy that works for everyone. This means taking action to lower the everyday costs that burden working families like health care and prescription drug costs, child care, affordable housing, and so much more. 

“The Build Back Better Act will create millions of new jobs, boosting our economy, all while reducing the national deficit. In fact, unlike the Republican 2017 tax giveaway that added $2.3 trillion to the national debt and that mostly went to the very wealthy and large corporations, this bill is fully paid for and will reduce taxes on millions of middle class families.

“We took decisive action to move our nation forward with this bold, once-in-a-generation opportunity that is not only an investment in today, but it is an investment in our future. The Build Back Better Act expands the Child Tax Credit, lowers child care costs for families, and makes pre-K more accessible. These are life-changing actions for tens of millions of families that will keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets – while cutting child poverty across the country.      

“We are working to create a future, an economy, and an environment that thrives for generations to come. That is why the Build Back Better Act takes action to combat the climate crisis with the urgency this issue demands and makes the largest commitment to cutting pollution, reducing energy costs, and creating a strong clean energy economy.

“Today, House Democrats voted for a transformational investment in the American people – and we delivered on our promise to build a democracy for the people and a government that works for all.”

