Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Calif.) released the following statement upon being officially sworn-in as the United States Representative for California’s 26th Congressional District in the 118th Congress.  

“As we embark on the 118th Congress, I remain truly grateful that I once again have the privilege and honor of serving the people of California’s 26th Congressional District.  

“I stand ready to join my Democratic colleagues in our unwavering commitment to work for the American people.

“Our history has shown that we deliver, especially in times of need. Following the devastating impacts of an unprecedented health and economic crisis, when everyday Americans were left to grapple with the crippling effects of inflation, House Democrats led the charge to not only provide relief, but revive the U.S. economy while bolstering middle-class prosperity. 

“We championed the historic Inflation Reduction Act, which has and will continue to play a vital role in supporting America’s working families and our future. Whether it is lowering seniors’ prescription drug prices, slashing rising energy costs, or investing in disadvantaged communities, this landmark law is a quintessential example of how Democrats pass legislation that prioritizes the people and their interests.

“In addition to combating inflation, we improved and expanded our nation’s infrastructure, invested in domestic manufacturing, took bold action to combat the climate crisis, passed life-saving gun safety reform legislation, and protected marriage equality. 

“In partnership with President Biden and our Senate colleagues, we will continue to deliver for the people. We are committed to working to build upon our successes – and create a stronger future for all. 

“While Republican extremism is an omnipresent threat to our democracy, it will not be left unchecked. House Republicans have commenced this Congress by fighting amongst each other and remaining occupied in a state of chaos. In turn, House Democrats are united. Together, we will put people over politics, work to lower costs, create good-paying jobs, and make our communities safer.

“This is the responsibility entrusted to me by the people of California’s 26th Congressional District – one that I take with the deepest respect and reverence.” 

The swearing-in was delayed following several chaotic days when the Republican majority was unable to elect a Speaker of the House.

