Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) released the following statement on the vote to avert a government shutdown:

“After weeks of unnecessary delays and brinkmanship, Speaker Kevin McCarthy finally agreed to bring a Continuing Resolution to the House floor today.

“However, he tried to demand a vote within minutes of releasing the bill text, not allowing Members a chance to read the 71-page bill before the vote. House Democrats were able to delay the vote, only to discover that the bill was not the so-called “clean” CR Republicans claimed. In fact, they tried to sneak through a change that would increase pay for Members of Congress.

“After House Democrats fixed the bill, the House overwhelmingly voted for the CR to keep the government funded and working for the American people. But it is important to note that this agreement is only a short-term fix.

“House Republicans must stop playing games with the country and agree to a bill that upholds the promises and commitments made when Congress passed the bipartisan budget bill in May.”

