On this Veterans Day, we must commit not only to express our gratitude to our veterans, but to also fulfill our nation’s solemn promise: just as the military pledges to leave no soldier behind on the battlefield, we must leave no veteran behind when they return home. How we care for our veterans is a measure of our character as a country.

Since being elected to Congress, I have made it my priority to ensure that as a nation we fulfill this promise to our veterans and their families. Without their selfless service, America would not have the liberties so many of us enjoy – and often take for granted.

So, today, we pay tribute to these men and women who have served our country in defense of our values, our security, and our way of life.

In Ventura County, Veterans Day perfectly illustrates our community’s traditions and steadfast commitment to recognizing and honoring the men and women who have served our nation in uniform. It is that ethos that also guides my work – both in Congress and in Ventura County.

As Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Health Subcommittee, I founded the Women Veterans Task Force to acknowledge the fastest growing demographic within the veteran community: women veterans. Currently, there are over two million women veterans living in the United States, yet their patriotic service is often overlooked and forgotten, which leads these women to feel invisible. I am working to change that.

Last year, I am proud that Congress passed my bill, the Deborah Sampson Act, to address many of the inequities and barriers that women veterans face. The Deborah Sampson Act recognizes and honors women veterans by ensuring inclusivity and equitable access to resources, benefits, and services. Passage of the bill was historic, but there still more work to be done. Currently, I am working with my colleagues and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure the successful implementation of this landmark legislation and conducting oversight to ensure the law works for the veterans it is intended to serve.

While my work on legislation is important, I am most proud of the work to bring an all-new, 50,000-square foot VA-run community clinic to Ventura. For years, I fought to secure the authorization for this new facility, which represents a seven-fold increase in size for our community clinic since the one Ventura County had when I was first elected. This significant expansion means more space for VA to hire additional healthcare providers, to expand veterans’ services, and to add more specialty care right here at home. 

Recently, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough and I toured the construction site in Ventura. I am very pleased to report that the new, state-of-the-art facility is taking shape and on schedule to open its doors next summer.

My office also continues to help many veterans and their families receive the care and benefits they have so rightfully earned and deserve. If you are a veteran who needs assistance accessing benefits from VA, please contact my office at (805) 379-1779. I’m here to help!

As your representative in Congress, I take no commitment more seriously than to continue to fight for our nation’s veterans and ensure their service to our great nation is honored not only today, but every day.


Member of Congress