By Tom Kiskin Orginally Appeared in The Ventura County Star

Hundreds of people gathered outside a Newbury Park mosque for a “Stand with Muslims” event Sunday.

The event was triggered in part by an executive order by President Donald Trump for a travel ban that included temporarily blocking many people coming to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries. A federal judge blocked the ban on Friday in a ruling the White House said will be challenged.

The rally was designed to show support for the Muslim community. People lined up along Borchard Road in front of the Islamic Center of Conejo Valley, also gathering in the parking lot.

The crowd included U.S. Rep. Julia Brownley, D-Westlake Village, state Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin of Thousand Oaks and other Thousand Oaks city leaders. The rally was organized by Desta Goehner, director of congregational relations at California Lutheran University.

Ahmed Patel, imam of the Newbury Park mosque, said the event went beyond just a show of unity.

“Everyone there was like supporting equality for everyone and that was wonderful,” he said.
