Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) announced that the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s INVEST in America Act (H.R. 3684) includes $18,555,000 in federal funding for several transportation projects in California’s 26th Congressional District.
“I am proud to announce the inclusion of several transportation and infrastructure projects that are being considered for funding in the INVEST in America Act,” said Congresswoman Julia Brownley. “A prosperous future for Ventura County means making meaningful investments in our region’s infrastructure. These investments are crucial to our growing economy and will help us plan for our growth, connect our cities, and improve safety across the region. Not only will these projects fix our ailing infrastructure, but they will create good-paying, quality jobs, which is a win-win all around.”
The community-requested projects in the INVEST in America Act for California’s 26th Congressional District are as follows:
- $6,000,000 to the Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor Agency/Ventura County Transportation Commission (LOSSAN) for the Leesdale passing extension and upgrade in Ventura County
- $4,000,000 to the City of Camarillo for the widening of Central Ave to add new Class II Bike Lanes near U.S. 101 to the northwest city limits
- $3,000,000 to the City of Oxnard’s for the U.S. 101/Del Norte interchange
- $3,000,000 to the Port of Hueneme and the Oxnard Harbor District for the intermodal improvement project
- $1,675,000 to Gold Coast Transit for Zero Emission Bus Replacements, Charging Infrastructure and Zero Emissions Job Training at Gold Coast Transit District
- $440,000 to the City of Ojai for Ojai Avenue pedestrian crossing safety lighting improvements
- $440,000 to the City of Ojai for their electric trolley
For more information on the project eligibility and designation process, click here.
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is scheduled to consider the INVEST in American Act this week. More information on the bill is available here.