Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) announced more than $527,000 in Department of Education grants to two educational organizations that provide support services for underserved students in Ventura County that are preparing for college or are already enrolled in a local college or university. The Ventura County Community College District and LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LNESC) each received a competitive federal grant to implement Upward Bound programs – projects that help students from low-income families and first-generation college attendees.

“All young people should have the opportunity to pursue a high-quality education,” said Congresswoman Brownley. “Upward Bound is a critical program for students from working families who want to go to college and further their educations. I am so pleased to see these two educational organizations receive funds to serve our students and help them achieve the American Dream.”

The Ventura County Community College District received $263,937 for a program at Oxnard College, and LULAC National Educational Service Centers received $263,938.

“We are honored to receive an Upward Bound grant which will enable us to continue to prepare high school students for college and build a college-going culture in our community,” said Oxnard College President Cynthia Azari.

“The Upward Bound Program focus at Oxnard College is to prepare first-generation students, beginning in the ninth grade, for success in college by providing tutoring, academic advising, tours, mentoring and other support services,” said Oxnard College Vice President of Student Development Oscar Cobian.

“With its emphasis on individualized counseling and assistance in everything from academic tutoring to personal counseling and financial aid assistance, Upward Bound programs are essential to ensuring Hispanic students have equal opportunities to higher-education,” said LNESC Executive Director Richard Roybal. “By not only retaining funding for the existing programs but also increasing our federal awards, the Department of Education is demonstrating its confidence in LNESC’s ability to provide quality educational programming to some of the highest need communities around the country.”

Learn more about Upward Bound here.

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