Washington, D.C. – Earlier today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) voted to support passage of the tax extenders package.  The bipartisan legislation was approved in a vote of 318 to 109.

“I supported the tax extenders package because it includes important relief for working families and the middle-class, by improving the child and earned income tax credits, which are critical to keeping children out of poverty,” stated Congresswoman Brownley.  “The legislation would also provide certainty for individuals and businesses to invest, create jobs, and further improve Ventura County’s economy. I’m especially proud of the provisions I championed to make the research and development tax credit permanent while giving start-ups the ability to use the tax credit when they need it most.”

Congresswoman Brownley previously authored and championed the Innovation, Research, and Manufacturing Act (H.R. 1536), legislation to permanently extend the research and development tax credit and to permit start-ups to utilize the credit as a refundable credit. The legislation approved by the House today includes those provisions.

The House-approved tax measure also includes individual income tax provisions to improve and make permanent the child tax credit, the American Opportunity Credit, the earned income tax credit (EITC), the deduction for elementary and secondary school teachers, incentives for charitable giving, and the deduction of state and local taxes. The bill also extends certain business and energy tax credits.

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