Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) introduced the Start Up in a Day Act, legislation that will permanently authorize the Small Business Administration’s initiative to streamline the tedious processes of starting a business. The bill establishes a competitive grant program for states and local governments to assist entrepreneurs in starting a small business by developing the tools that will allow them to apply for licenses and permits needed to start a business within 24 hours or less.

 “The more than 22,000 small businesses in Ventura County are the backbone of our economy and our communities. Anyone who wants to open a business and become a job creator should have access to the resources they need to succeed,” said Congresswoman Brownley. “That is why I introduced the Startup in a Day Act to eliminate the ‘red tape’ for those interested in starting their own business.”

 Read more about the bill, here

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