Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) announced the introduction of the Women in Aviation Advisory Board Act, legislation which would reauthorize the Women in Aviation Advisory Board (WIAAB) and allow for the continuation of the WIAAB’s work in developing recommendations and strategies to encourage women to pursue a career in aviation.
“Although there has been a steady growth of women entering the aviation sector over the past 10 years, a significant gender disparity exists in the aviation industry. Today, women account for less than 10% of licensed pilots across the country, and the percentage is even smaller for women in maintenance fields,” said Congresswoman Brownley. “Since 2018, the Women in Aviation Advisory Board has diligently been working to increase the representation of women in the aviation industry by providing the Federal Aviation Administration, Congress, and industry with recommendations and strategies to recruit women into an aviation career. My bill would reauthorize the WIAAB to ensure that its important work can continue – and pave the way for more women to succeed in this soaring field.”
Originally authorized in 2018, the Women in Aviation Advisory Board (WIAAB) was created to develop and provide independent recommendations and strategies to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Congress, and industry to explore opportunities to encourage women to pursue a career in aviation. Specifically, the WIAAB has worked to promote organizations and programs that are providing education, training, mentorship, outreach, and recruitment of women for positions in the aviation industry.
Last year, the WIAAB submitted a comprehensive report to the FAA Administrator and Congress entitled, Breaking Barriers for Women in Aviation: Flight Plan for the Future. Brownley’s bill would permanently reauthorize the WIAAB and allow for the WIAAB to continue to provide recommendations to expand the participation of women in aviation careers which is critical to the future of the industry. The WIAAB’s charter expired on March 28, 2022.
The text of the bill can be found here.