Washington, DC – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) released the following statement following her election as Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health. Brownley will also continue to spearhead the Women Veterans Task Force, which she founded in the 116th Congress.

“I am honored to continue serving as Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health and to continue my work chairing the Women Veterans Task Force,” said Congresswoman Julia Brownley. “Healthcare is a critical mission of VA and also one of its biggest challenges. I am committed to continuing our work to improve the care and benefits of those who have served our nation in uniform. We have much work to do to improve access, expand services including mental health and preventative programs, and increase the quality and timeliness of care delivery.

“In my leadership roles, I have worked on all issues related to veteran healthcare with a specific focus on women veterans, one of the largest growing demographics within the veteran population. I have specifically focused on ensuring veterans have access to childcare during medical appointments, providing equitable services for women at VA facilities nationwide, and ending the suicide epidemic among women veterans.

“During the 116th Congress, I spearheaded creation of a new Women Veterans Task Force. The Task Force has worked diligently to highlight and address the urgent and specific needs of women veterans. One of the crowning achievements of the Women Veterans Task Force was getting the Deborah Sampson Act signed into law. The law allowed for more equitable access to healthcare, housing, legal services, and other resources and benefits. It was the most comprehensive legislation for women veterans in a decade.

“Our nation has made a solemn promise to serve our veterans as well as they have served us. As the daughter, sister, and niece of veterans, I take that commitment very personally.

“I know that there is still so much more that we can accomplish. I am privileged to continue to serve in these leadership positions and am eager to continue my work for veterans across the nation.”


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