Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) announced that she has secured a seat on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I).

“As a California central coast community, Ventura County has unique transportation needs that not only impact our quality of life, but are vital to the region’s economic vitality. That’s why I fought so hard to be able to bring this unique perspective to the highly sought after Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure,” said Congresswoman Brownley.

Ventura County’s diverse transportation infrastructure serves as a microcosm for the nation. With the only deep water port between Los Angeles and San Francisco, two small community airports, commuter and freight rail, a coast guard station, and both urban and rural highway and transit needs, Ventura County transportation needs are not only integral to the economic vitality of California’s 26th Congressional District – the port and harbors alone account for nearly $1 billion in economic impact in the region – but to the entire state of California.

Since coming to Congress, Brownley has been a steadfast champion of the Port of Hueneme; secured the funds necessary to dredge the Channel Islands Harbor, Ventura Harbor, and to replenish the sand at Hueneme Beach; kept the towers open at the Camarillo and Oxnard airports; and authored legislation authorizing a land swap from the former Oxnard Air Force Base back to the county to encourage business development around Camarillo Airport. Her leadership on these issues played a large role in her successful bid to win a seat on the T&I Committee.

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