Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) issued the following statement regarding today’s vote on a continuing resolution:
“Since being elected, I have worked very, very hard to vote our district. It isn’t always straightforward what would serve the greater good at home, both because no bill is perfect, and because Ventura County is rich in its diversity — politically, economically, and demographically.
“The bill we considered this morning has funding that is important to our district. It provides more resources for our troops, our veterans, disaster relief, children’s healthcare, community health centers, and more. These are many of the issues I fight for everyday, and on its face, this is a good bipartisan bill. Under ordinary circumstances and in ordinary times, I would have wholeheartedly supported it.
“However, these are not ordinary circumstances, and these are not ordinary times. For the last two years, President Trump has threatened many of the very principles upon which our nation was built, and upon which it continues to thrive. We exist and succeed because we welcome with open arms people from all over the world and from all walks of life, and invite them enthusiastically to pursue the American Dream, knowing that our democracy, our culture, and our economy will be stronger when they do. But President Trump has led a two-year assault on all that we hold dear, and all that binds us together, from one generation to another.
“President Trump has denigrated people with disabilities, Muslims, the African-American community, women, and the LGBTQ community, among others, with unprecedented intensity. But he has reserved some of his most cruel attacks for immigrants, suggesting that they are all gang members, drug dealers, or rapists.
“When he ended the Deferred Action program, for the sole purpose of using Dreamers as hostages in future negotiations, I simply could not go along. Dreamers are young people, hopeful people, and hardworking people. They define what it is to be American and are American — no different than my own two children.
“So I voted for our district today — because diversity is what makes Ventura County strong and our nation strong.”
Issues: 115th Congress, Budget