Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) issued the following statement on President Biden’s FY2023 Budget Request:
“President Biden submitted to the Congress a bold action plan to invest in our nation’s future, create millions of jobs, and rebuild our economy from the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic. More importantly, President Biden is working to build a stronger and more secure future for the American people.
“As we continue our economic recovery, President Biden’s fiscal proposal moves our nation forward with transformational investments to bolster middle-class prosperity – and builds an economy that works for everyone.
“We have a duty to ensure an equitable recovery for all Americans – so that the parents who were forced home to care for their kids can re-enter the workforce and the families and children who have suffered most through these difficult times have the resources not only to make ends meet but to thrive.
“President Biden’s proposed budget shrinks costs for American families, prioritizes both short and long term financial goals, and works to create a fairer tax code – ensuring that the extremely wealthy and big corporations, who have benefitted from the hard work of middle class Americans, pay their fair share.
“In addition, this budget makes one of the largest investments in our national security in U.S. history, strengthening our military and leveraging our renewed strength at home to meet pressing global challenges.
“In turn, President Biden’s budget also provides a nearly 20% increase to VA funded projects. This plan provides a major boost to meet the needs of our servicemembers when they return home, including a substantial funding increase for outpatient care services, mental health care, caregiver support stipends, and reproductive care.
“President Biden has laid forward a budget that continues his administration’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and protecting the American taxpayer. This economic strategy would put us on track to reduce the nation’s deficit by more than $1 trillion over the next decade.
“We are at a pivotal moment in our history – a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make smart and transformational investments in America’s working families. President Biden’s budget would build a better America – and deliver for the people.”
Issues: 117th Congress, Budget