Washington, DC – Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) issued the following statement today after President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19:

“My thoughts are with the President and First Lady, and I wish them both a speedy recovery. 

“As we know, COVID-19 is a deadly disease that has already taken the lives of over 200,000 Americans. Yesterday alone, 15,423 new Americans tested positive and 629 Americans lost their lives due to COVID. The President’s positive test is yet another reminder that no one is immune from this disease and that we are still in the middle of a global pandemic. We all share the burden of preventing the spread of the virus by wearing masks, maintaining social distance practices, washing your hands, and taking precautions to protect one another. We need to listen to public health experts and lead by example. 

“The federal government also has a fundamental responsibility to address this pandemic. That is why I stand committed to ensuring we get additional relief legislation to address this crisis. Last night, the House passed an updated Heroes Act which provides relief to unemployed Americans, small businesses, our healthcare system, and our state and local governments — and first responders — struggling due to the pandemic. It also includes more funding for testing, tracing, and treatment, which is critical in our fight against the disease.

“Today, I urge my Senate colleagues to please pass this critical relief bill so that we can bring relief to the American people and protect our nation from this pandemic.

“To everyone at home, please stay safe, stay healthy, and make sure you do what you can to protect your loved ones and your community.”

