As we excitedly await the opening of the new VA clinic in Ventura, I have convened an advisory panel of veterans, servicemembers, and other community leaders who are working together on recommendations to name the facility after a woman veteran.

I’m also seeking your input!

Women have served in every American conflict since the Revolutionary War, and today there are over two million women veterans in the United States. Through my work with the Women Veterans Task Force, I am constantly reminded that women are the most visible while serving, and the most invisible when they return to civilian life. Because so few veteran facilities are named after women, this inequity is a disservice to the women who have served our nation in uniform. 

I want to encourage all of my constituents to submit names of women veterans for the new VA health facility coming to Ventura.

To nominate a woman veteran, please fill out this form:

The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 21.