On Labor Day, we celebrate America’s workers – the men and women who play a critical role in building a strong economy and propelling it forward.

This Labor Day, I extend a special thanks to Ventura County’s workforce for their dedication and commitment to helping our regional economy thrive. From the agricultural workers who supply food for our community and country, to the healthcare workers who have kept us safe and healthy amid an unprecedented public health emergency, to the firefighters, law enforcement officers, and first responders who are protecting communities across our state: you are true heroes.

Also, I know working families across our country are feeling the effects of rising costs, and you can be assured I am working tirelessly to provide relief.

When gas prices soared earlier this year due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and volatility caused by COVID-19, I took action to fight price gouging at the gas pump. I also supported efforts to lower insulin costs and ensure that life-saving prescriptions do not send families into bankruptcy. As food prices rose, I worked with my colleagues to reduce prices for American farmers and lower prices for families in the grocery aisles.

Congressional Democrats continued their work to provide relief to America’s working families, to lower everyday costs for those who are struggling to make ends meet, and to put people over politics by passing the Inflation Reduction Act.

President Biden recently signed this historic legislation which makes significant strides to combat inflation, reduce prescription drug prices, invest in clean, renewable energy to help combat the climate crisis, and to reduce energy costs for American consumers.

Specifically, the Inflation Reduction Act will:

  • Lower seniors’ prescription drug prices by enabling Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs and cap out-of-pocket costs for seniors at $2,000 a year
  • Cut the cost of healthcare by extending Affordable Care Act premium assistance, saving the average enrollee $800 per year
  • Address the historic drought by investing in water infrastrucutre
  • Create manufacturing jobs by investing in new domestic clean manufacturing
  • Protect families and small buisnesses by keeping President Biden’s promise at the State of the union that those making $400,000 or less will not see a tax increase
  • Fight back against rising costs and inflation by reducing the deficit by more than $300 billion

I’m proud that my colleagues and I are delivering results, but fully understand that many families are still struggling. You have my word that I will continue to work hard for you.

To America’s workers, I say ‘thank you.’ I hope you have a happy and safe Labor Day.


Julia Brownley
Member of Congress