By Kayla Capper Originally Appeared in the Ventura County Star

Concern for animals is driving Congress to act on a number of fronts to protect them. Fortunately, the 26th Congressional District has Rep. Julia Brownley as a consistently supportive vote for animals.

She recently signed on as a co-sponsor of the Prevent Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act (HR 1494), which would create a federal anti-cruelty statute that prohibits extreme acts of animal cruelty. Currently, there are penalties at the federal level for animal fighting and obscene video depictions of animals being subjected to heinous acts of cruelty. The PACT Act would strengthen the law and address the underlying conduct of the cruelty itself.

In April, Rep. Brownley joined other members of Congress in sending a letter to President Trump about the USDA’s removal of inspection reports and other information from its website about the treatment of animals at thousands of research laboratories, zoos, dog-breeding operations and other facilities. And during her time in Congress, she has been a reliable friend of animals through her co-sponsorship of bills and her votes.

Thanks to the support of Rep. Brownley, animals have a strong supporter in Congress.
