Washington, D.C. – In response to announcements this week regarding the impact of the arbitrary, across-the-board cuts caused by the sequester on Ventura County, Representative Julia Brownley released the following statement:

“Unfortunately, less than a week following the sequester deadline, the people and businesses of Ventura County are already experiencing the impact of the arbitrary, across-the-board cuts. This week it was announced that the automatic cuts have forced Port Hueneme to eliminate overtime for U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Agents and the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) to close its air traffic control tower at Oxnard airport. Delays and disruptions at these important economic hubs will cost companies thousands of dollars – and the ripple effect of the damage will be felt throughout our community.

“Additionally, Naval Base Ventura County (NVBC) announced last month the cuts could mean furloughs for 80% of its 5,000 civilian employees. The furloughs would force affected NBVC employees on unpaid leave one day a week beginning in April, resulting in a 20% pay cut.

“Despite the efforts of House Democrats, Congress failed to stop these destructive cuts. As a result of this manufactured crisis, shipment of goods at Port Hueneme will be delayed, flights at Oxnard airports will be delayed, and thousands of hard-working NBVC employees could be sent home without pay. This is unacceptable. I am ready to work with members on both sides of the aisle to replace the sequester’s unreasonable cuts with a balanced approach that will eliminate wasteful spending and allow for smart, targeted investments in key priorities that will grow our economy.”

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