Washington, D.C— This week, Representative Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) proposed an amendment to the 2013 Farm Bill that would help low-income seniors and families keep food on the table without cutting important farm programs.

“I am greatly disappointed that House leadership chose not to consider my commonsense solution to help needy families and protect farmers,” said Congresswoman Julia Brownley.  “My amendment would have restored SNAP funding and increased funding for vital farm programs – all while reducing the deficit. More than 68,000 Ventura County residents, including seniors and children, rely on SNAP to keep from going hungry.  Helping them make ends meet during this fragile economic recovery is surely a higher priority than continuing $41 billion in unnecessary subsidies for Big Oil.”

“As a food bank serving over 74,500 hungry each month, we at FOOD Share have a valued perspective for the tools and resources necessary to provide access to quality food, including the importance of our local growers,” said Bonnie Weigel, President and CEO of FOOD Share, Inc. “For many families, CalFresh/SNAP is an important program that is often the difference between having food on the table, or not. We greatly appreciate Representative Brownley’s efforts in Congress to protect this vital food program and support Ventura County families.”

“California Food Policy Advocates thanks Congresswoman Brownley for her strong support of SNAP, which helps 4 million Californians put food on the table,” said Kerry Birnbach, Nutrition Policy Advocate, California Food Policy Advocates. “These benefits effectively reduce food insecurity, stimulate the economy, and support California grocers and farmers. As the economy improves, SNAP will cut itself; now is not the time to take away these vital benefits.”

Under the proposed 2013 Farm Bill, $21 billion in cuts would be made to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This would mean 850,000 households would see their SNAP benefits cut and 2 million individuals would lose SNAP eligibility entirely. On top of this, 210,000 kids would go hungry.

Brownley’s amendment would have restored SNAP funding and increased funding for vital programs that California ranchers and farmers depend on, like agricultural research, disease and pest control, rural development, and conservation. By ending welfare for Big Oil companies, the amendment would also have reduced the national debt by billions.

The Rules Committee, which is controlled by Speaker Boehner, prohibited Brownley from offering her amendment before the full House of Representatives. To see video of Representative Brownley speaking on her amendment, click here: LINK.

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