Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Representative Julia Brownley joined fellow Congresswomen for a press conference at the Capitol to express concern about the disproportionately negative effect the sequester will have on women and families. Members highlighted the impact the cuts will have on women’s health (including cancer screenings and pre-natal care), services to victims of domestic violence, and education programs for children like Head Start.

Representative Brownley specifically addressed what the sequester would mean for Ventura County veterans, women, and their families, and called on Congress to come together to stop the across-the-board cuts immediately. Brownley emphasized that if Congress fails to find common ground to resolve the $1.5 trillion sequester as soon as possible, programs that help veterans find jobs and transition back to civilian life will be cut.

Also, according to the Center for American Progress, if the sequester is triggered, $86 million will be cut from key women’s health care programs, Head Start and Early Head Start will lose more than $400 million in funding, and nearly $30 million will be cut from services for victims of domestic violence. Additionally, the Administration reports the cuts would reduce funding for Department of Housing and Urban Development Homeless Assistance, which would remove 100,000 formerly homeless people, including women, veterans, and their families, from their homes and shelters.

Transcript of Press Conference Remarks:

“As a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, as an American and as the proud representative of Ventura County – we are home to a large naval base with a very significant veteran community – I am extremely concerned about the impact the sequester will have on our women and men, and their families, who have courageously served, sacrificed and defended our country.

“If Congress fails to stop the across-the-board, and unnecessary, cuts– so many programs that help veterans– like transitioning to civilian life and finding employment – will be reduced.

“More veterans with less resources is unacceptable.

“Our brave men and woman deserve better.

“Now is the time to be doing more, not less.

“For our veterans sake, we need to come together to stop the sequester NOW.”

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