Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee held a hearing about the Office of Inspector General (OIG) report titled “Scheduling Manipulation and Veteran Deaths in Phoenix.” At the hearing, Congresswoman Julia Brownley, Ranking Member of the Health Subcommittee, urged Secretary Robert McDonald to transform VA culture.

“Mr. Secretary, after meeting with you last week, I told my veterans at home that there is hope for fixing the problems at the VA,” said Brownley. “I believe the number one goal should be to transform VA culture from the top to the bottom to ensure our veterans get the care they have earned and deserve.”

During the hearing, Brownley also asked Acting Inspector General Richard Griffin about the OIG’s ongoing investigations related to wait time manipulation at 81 facilities. Because of her concerns about the lack of resources, Brownley introduced the VA Investigation and Accountability Act (H.R. 4948) to provide the VA OIG with additional funds.

“Where there is evidence of wrongdoing, I expect the VA OIG to refer the findings of the investigation to the Secretary for appropriate administrative actions, and when the OIG uncovers evidence of criminal wrongdoing, I expect the findings will be provided to the appropriate law enforcement agencies for criminal prosecution,” Brownley said.

Brownley’s Q&A with Secretary McDonald can be viewed here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4508983/brownley-urges-va-secretary-transform-culture-va

Brownley’s Q&A with Mr. Griffin can be viewed here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4508979/brownley-questions-va-acting-inspector-general-richard-griffin

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