As a nation, we still have much work to do to ensure equal access to high-quality, affordable healthcare for all our citizens. However, we cannot roll-back the clock and permit discrimination against those with preexisting conditions, or eliminate important coverage for cancer screenings, birth control, or preventative health. In Congress, I am working to advance policies that expand coverage and make health insurance more affordable for working families.
- November 2017
| Press Releases
Brownley Welcomes Start of Covered California Open Enrollment and Encourages Ventura County Families to Get Covered
Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) today welcomed the start of Covered California’s health insurance open enrollment for 2018, and urged Ventura County families to make sure they are covered.
- September 2017
| Press Releases
Brownley Announces $350,000 in Grants for Local Health Centers to Increase Access to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) announced more than $350,000 in federal grant funding for two local health centers to increase access to substance abuse and mental health services.
- June 2017
| Press Releases
Ranking Members Walz and Brownley Statement On Announcement Of Next-Generation Electronic Health Record
Today, House Committee on Veterans Affairs Ranking Member Tim Walz and Subcommittee on Health Ranking Member Julia Brownley released a statement after Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Dr. David Shulkin announced that the VA will soon take steps to adopt the same electronic health record (EHR) system as the Department of Defense.
- May 2017
Lawmakers Battle Over Whether New Health Care Bill Hurts Vets
By Richard Sisk Originally Appeared on A partisan fight broke out in the House Veterans Affairs Committee on Friday over whether the new health care bill proposal to replace Obamacare would help or hurt vets. The Republican chairman of the committee, Rep. Phil Roe of Tennessee, vehemently said the proposed bill, called the American […]
Amped up: County constituents flood Congress with messages
By Tom Kiskin Originally Appeared on The Ventura County Star Minutes after a political activist posted U.S. Rep. Steve Knight’s cellphone number on Facebook, Sam Kaeser’s fingers danced. “No AHVA,” the 60-year-old Democrat from Simi Valley texted the Republican congressman, then firing off a second message. “Oops — no AHCA! Stupid autocorrect.” She sat with […]
Oxnard VA clinic moving in right direction
By Editorial Board Originally Appeared in The Ventura County Star Ventura County veterans who rely on the Department of Veterans Affairs for medical care have received a triple dose of good news in the past two weeks, giving us renewed optimism that the VA might finally and permanently fix its longtime health care woes. If […]
- April 2017
| Press Releases
Thompson, Brownley Introduce VETS Act to Expand Access to Care for Veterans
Today, U.S. Reps. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-05) and Julia Brownley (CA-26) introduced H.R. 2123, the Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support (VETS) Act of 2017.
A year later, veterans wait less at Oxnard clinic
By Tom Kiskin Originally Appeared in The Ventura County Star Patients wait far less for appointments at an Oxnard Veterans Affairs clinic that a year ago struggled with staffing shortages and was considered among the worst in the nation for wait times, according to new VA records. In February, veterans who were returning patients at […]
- March 2017
| Press Releases
Brownley Statement After House GOP Pulled American Health Care Act
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley released a statement after House Republicans pulled H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act otherwise known as “TrumpCare,” from consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Gold Coast Health Plan Co-Sponsors Seniors Health & Safety Forum
By Steven Lalich Originally Appeared in The Ventura County Star Nearly 150 seniors, caregivers and health care professionals from Ventura County and the greater Los Angeles area turned out for a seniors’ health and safety event on March 3 at the Ventura County Office of Education in Camarillo. Gold Coast Health Plan, a co-sponsor of […]
How would Obamacare repeal affect seniors?
By Tom Kiskin Originally Appeared in The Ventura County Star Prescription costs for people on Medicare, government-paid nursing home stays, in-home care and the cost of flu shots could be affected by proposals to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, advocates and other experts said at a senior forum Friday. “I think they have […]
- February 2017
House Overturns Rule Protecting Planned Parenthood
By Alexandra Villarreal Originally Appeared on The Republican-led House this week overturned a regulation then-President Barack Obama put in place to protect Title X funding, prompting criticism from Democrats and others over the move’s impact on women’s health care. The House on Thursday scrapped a rule that barred state and local governments from withholding […]
Julia Brownley hosts health care town hall in Camarillo
By Tracy Lehr Originally Appeared on KEYT CAMARILLO, Calif. – Hundreds of people packed a town hall meeting hosted by Rep. Julia Brownley on Tuesday night at the Camarillo Library. The hot topic was health care. Brownley invited a panel of health care professionals to talked about health care needs and the Affordable Care Act. […]
Town hall brings drama, fears on health care
By Tom Kiskin Appeared Originally On Ventura County Star More than 200 people filled every inch of a library conference room in Camarillo, standing in doorways and lined up four deep in the back. Some carried signs to a Tuesday night town hall meeting held by U.S Rep. Julia Brownley, D-Westlake Village. “Patients Over Politics,” […]
- January 2017
| Press Releases
Brownley Protecting ACA Floor Speech
All Americans should have access to quality, affordable healthcare coverage. Watch my speech on the House floor about my constituents, Judith and KC, and their struggle to find consistent, life-saving healthcare.
- May 2016
| Press Releases
Brownley’s Woman’s Health Amendment Passes House
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve Congresswoman Julia Brownley’s (D-Westlake Village) amendment to H.R. 4641, a bill establishing an Inter-Agency Task Force on Best Practices for Pain Management. The Brownley amendment added the Office of Women’s Health to the inter-agency task force on pain management created under the bill. After Brownley’s amendment was included, the final bill passed the House in a vote of 412 to 4.
| Press Releases
Brownley Demands Plan of Action to Improve Oxnard Clinic
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) hosted a discussion with community stakeholders on the status of veterans’ healthcare services and plans for immediate improvements at the VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) in Oxnard.
- October 2015
| Press Releases
Brownley Statement on Planned Parenthood Arson Attack in Thousand Oaks
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley released a statement after learning of an arson attack on the Thousand Oaks Planned Parenthood clinic last night.