Washington, D.C.—Representative Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) released the following statement upon House passage of H.R. 2775 to open the federal government and avoid default.

“Tonight, a bipartisan agreement was reached to end a sixteen-day Tea Party-sponsored government shutdown and to avoid default on our nation’s debt. While the last three weeks have put a spotlight on the unfortunate dysfunction in Congress, I remain hopeful and optimistic that we can move beyond this episode and work together in a bipartisan manner to move our country forward.

“Congress must now redouble its efforts to grow the economy and create jobs. We need to pass comprehensive immigration reform for our farmers, farmworkers, and our hi-tech industries; we need to pass a final Farm Bill for our growers and our families who rely on nutrition assistance; we need to protect and strengthen our naval base and we need to redouble our efforts in providing for our veterans. We also need to work together to pass a budget that invests in our future, while eliminating our debt and deficit, without sacrificing the promise we’ve made to our seniors.

“As we look to the future, let’s remind ourselves that this great nation can rise to any challenge.”

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