The federal tax code needs reform, and believe that Congress must make the tax code more fair to working families and small businesses. I believe that any tax reform proposal must take into account all taxes that individuals and small business pay, including payroll taxes, income taxes, and taxes on investment income. I also support closing corporate tax loopholes and ending tax breaks that reward corporations that move jobs overseas.
- February 2025
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Legislation to Restore Critical Recovery Assistance for Homeowners Affected by Disasters
Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced the reintroduction of the Protecting Homeowners from Disaster Act,which would restore the tax deduction for uninsured property and casualty losses eliminated by the Republicans’ 2017 tax overhaul.
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Legislation to Make Homeownership More Affordable for Working Families
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley reintroduced the Mortgage Insurance Tax Deduction Act and the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act to make homeownership a more affordable reality for America’s working families.
- July 2023
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Legislation to Reflect Marriage Equality in Federal Code
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced the introduction of the Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act, legislation that would strike gendered terms like “husband” and “wife” from federal laws and replace them with the term “spouse.”
- June 2023
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bills to Make Homeownership More Affordable
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley introduced the Mortgage Insurance Tax Deduction Act and the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act in order to make homeownership a more affordable reality for America’s working families.
- January 2023
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Legislation to Help Homeowners Recover From Disasters
Today, Congresswoman Brownley introduced the Protecting Homeowners from Disaster Act, legislation that will restore the tax deduction for uninsured property and casualty losses that was eliminated by the Republicans’ 2017 tax law.
- May 2021
A transformative investment in America’s working families
The past year has been filled with tremendous challenges, tragic loss of life, and unprecedented economic upheaval. Ventura County has faced many crises over the years, and through each one, we’ve come together as a community to overcome them and emerge better and more resilient than before. While the pandemic has been one of the greatest challenges our nation has ever faced, I believe we can come out of it stronger by targeting our recovery with our future in mind.
- April 2021
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Legislative Package to Protect Homeowners
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced the introduction of legislation to make homeownership more affordable for working families and to restore the deduction for property and casualty losses for property owners who lose their home in a disaster.
- June 2019
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bill to Help Homeowners Recover After Disasters
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) introduced the Protecting Homeowners from Disaster Act, legislation that will restore the tax deduction for property and casualty losses that was eliminated by the 2017 GOP Tax Scam.
| Press Releases
Brownley Reintroduces Bill to Help Unemployed and Service-Connected Disabled Veterans Find Employment
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) reintroduced the VOW to Hire Heroes Extension Act of 2019, which would permanently extend the work opportunity tax credit (WOTC) for companies that hire veterans and allow qualified tax-exempt organizations to receive a credit against payroll taxes for hiring a veteran.
- January 2019
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bills to Help Ventura County Families Achieve and Maintain American Dream of Homeownership
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) introduced two bills to make it easier for Ventura County families to achieve and maintain homeownership.
- September 2018
| Press Releases
Brownley: GOP Tax Scam 2.0 Is Gift to 1%, While Hurting Californians and Leaving Working Families With the Bill
Congresswoman Julia Brownley issued a statement today following passage in the U.S. House of Representatives of the GOP Scam 2.0.
- December 2017
The Tax Bill that Stole Christmas
Last week, Republicans in Congress used a procedural gimmick to force through one of the most unpopular tax bills in history, without an iota of Democratic input. They robbed the middle class to give more to the uber-rich and corporations that outsource jobs — just in time for the holidays.
| Press Releases
Partisan Tax Bill Is Missed Opportunity for Real Reform, Says Brownley
Congresswoman Julia Brownley issued a statement today after the House vote on the Republican tax bill.
- November 2017
| Press Releases
America Needs Real Tax Reform, Not the GOP Tax Scam, Says Brownley
Congresswoman Julia Brownley issued a statement today on passage of the House Republican tax bill.
Representative Challenges President’s Proposed Tax Reform
President Trump said the tax cuts would be huge. They would go straight to the middle-class, and everyone would get a $4,000 raise. The plan would create jobs and spur growth. And all of this would be done without adding any more money to the national debt. Listening to the rhetoric, the plan sounded quite glorious.
| Press Releases
GOP Tax Cut Bill Puts Billionaires Ahead of Middle-Class Families, Says Brownley
Congresswoman Julia Brownley issued a statement today regarding introduction of the House Republicans’ tax cut bill.
- March 2016
| Press Releases
Brownley Hosts Income Tax Assistance Workshop
On Saturday, March 19, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) will host an Income Tax Assistance Workshop in Oxnard. This free service is available to individuals who earned less than $54,000 in 2015. Representatives with the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate and Brownley staff will also be available to answer questions.