• August 2013
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    Brownley Announces a California Solution to a Dysfunctional Congress

    Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley introduced the Fair and Independent Redistricting (FAIR) Act to encourage the states to form a citizen-driven redistricting process.  Based off California’s successful independent Congressional redistricting commission, Brownley’s bill would require the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to report on best practices that states should use when establishing their own independent Congressional redistricting commissions.

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    Brownley’s Veterans’ Health Care Bill Continues to Move Forward

    Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) included her bill, the Veterans Healthcare Improvement Act, into the Putting Veterans Funding First Act of 2013, which passed through the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee with bipartisan support. Brownley’s bill would guarantee adequate resources for veterans’ health care benefits.

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  • July 2013
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    Brownley Pushes Critical Veterans’ Health Care Measures Forward

    Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) presided over her first bill markup in the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health.  The markup included critical legislation aimed at strengthening veterans’ health care.

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  • Rep. Julia Brownley: Budget dysfunction washes beach out to sea

    It’s summertime in Ventura County — a time when families break out the sandals, swimsuits and sunscreen to enjoy Hueneme Beach. But this year is no ordinary year. Hueneme Beach is mostly closed. The sand has been washed away. The pier is unsteady. Surfside Drive is endangered. And jagged rocks block a once pristine shoreline. […]

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    Brownley Leads Hearing on Military Sexual Trauma Care

    Today, the Subcommittee on Health of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee held a hearing focused on examining the care and treatment available to survivors of military sexual trauma (MST). The subcommittee also examined the coordination of care and services offered to victims of MST through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DOD). A photo from today’s hearing is attached.

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    Brownley Opposes ‘The Letting Students Down Act’

    Today, Representative Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) voted against the Letting Students Down Act (H.R. 5), the Republican bill to reauthorize of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This bill would make drastic cuts to education funding, remove accountability provisions that ensure equity for all students, and reverse the progress made for students with learning disabilities over the past decade, jeopardizing their ability to graduate from high school, go to college and obtain employment.

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    Brownley Makes Funding for the Santa Susana Clean Up a Priority

    Today, Representative Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village), a member of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, offered an amendment to the NASA Authorization Act of 2013 which would authorize funding for environmental cleanup and restoration at NASA sites across the U.S.

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  • Veterans advocacy groups throw support behind Julia Brownley’s first bill

    WASHINGTON — Rep. Julia Brownley’s first bill as a member of Congress has run into opposition from the Department of Veterans Affairs but has won the backing of a coalition of veterans’ advocacy groups. A top VA official told a congressional committee on Wednesday the agency does not support Brownley’s push to make permanent a […]

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    Brownley Demands the Best Healthcare for All Veterans

    Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) championed her first bill, the “Veterans Healthcare Improvement Act” (H.R. 806) at a legislative hearing held by the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Her legislation will help guarantee adequate resources for veterans’ healthcare benefits.

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  • Julia Brownley: Sequestration hits home as Congress fails to act

    Monday, the Department of Defense will begin furloughing approximately 5,000 civilian employees at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) due to the sequester. The naval base is a critical economic engine in our community, and workers at NBVC should not be punished because of Congress’ failure to get our fiscal house in order. In Ventura County, […]

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  • Freshman representative makes early mark in Washington

    When US Rep Julia Brownley (D-Thousand Oaks) took the oath of office six months ago, she was excited about becoming a new member of the 113th Congress but also understood the great responsibility she had undertaken. Having served six years in the California Assembly, Brownley was familiar with the legislative process, so the learning curve […]

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  • June 2013
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    Brownley Puts the California Seal Of Biliteracy on the National Stage

    Representative Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) introduced the Biliteracy Education Seal and Teaching (BEST) Act, legislation that would help states create a State Seal of Biliteracy to recognize high school students graduating with proficiency in both English and a second language. Brownley sponsored similar legislation in the California State Assembly to establish the State Seal of Biliteracy in California.

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  • Brownley pushes federal bill to recognize bilingual students

    WASHINGTON — Rep. Julia Brownley is looking to take a program she championed for high school students in California onto the national stage. The Westlake Village Democrat has filed a bill that would make federal grants available to states that create a State Seal of Biliteracy to recognize high school seniors who graduate with proficiency […]

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    Brownley: Equality Prevails

    Representative Julia Brownleyreleased a statement today after the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional, and issued a procedural ruling in the Proposition 8 case that allows a lower court decision striking down Proposition 8 to take effect, allowing same-sex marriages to resume in the state of California.

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    Brownley Takes Stand Against Veterans’ Homelessness

    Today, Representative Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) introduced the “Helping Homeless Veterans Act,” legislation to reauthorize homeless veterans programs.

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  • Brownley aims to extend services for homeless veterans

    WASHINGTON — Seven programs that help homeless veterans would remain eligible for federal funding for another year under legislation filed Tuesday by Rep. Julia Brownley, D-Westlake Village. The programs are set to expire at the end of the year unless Congress acts. Brownley’s legislation, the Helping Homeless Veterans Act, would not allocate money for the […]

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    Brownley Joins Members of Congress to Stand Up For Equality With NOH8

    Today, Representative Brownley took a stand for marriage equality as a participant of the recent third annual NOH8 On The Hill photo event. Brownley, posing with NOH8’s iconic face tattoo and duct tape, joined nearly 70 new Members of Congress, including two Senators, in support of marriage equality and equal rights for all Americans.

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  • Julia Brownley: America must not let student loan rates double

    Earlier this month, the Ventura County Star said in an editorial, “We hope everyone will recognize the urgency of reaching a bipartisan agreement to stave off the sharply higher interest rates that are set to take effect in July.” I couldn’t agree more. A college education should not be an opportunity for the fortunate few, […]

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