I support an all-of-the-above approach to solving our energy needs. While our nation is overly dependent on fossil fuels, we need to look at new technologies that support the development and expansion of clean, renewable, alternative energy resources, like wind, biomass, and solar. Reducing our reliance on foreign oil will have multiple benefits for our national security, our environment, and will help to create and sustain good jobs in new high-tech sectors.
- April 2021
Sustainable aviation fuel takes flight
As we make strides on the path to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the aviation industry is set for a comeback. That’s a good thing for an industry that has suffered tremendously, including losing tens of thousands of jobs. In fact, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has reported that more than 1 million passengers have been screened at U.S. airports in recent days. While I am cheering on the industry and hope that it recovers quickly, part of that recovery will include returning to pre-pandemic levels of carbon emissions.
| Press Releases
Brownley, Dingell Introduce Bill to Expand Manufacturing of Advanced Technology and Zero-Emission Vehicles
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley and Congresswoman Debbie Dingell announced the introduction of the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing (ATVM) Future Act to modernize and expand a program used to build and retool auto factories in the United States.
- February 2021
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Sustainable Transportation and Infrastructure Legislative Package
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley announced the introduction of several sustainability bills that will leverage the resources of the federal government to support a renewable energy economy and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the federal transportation and infrastructure sectors.
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bill to Improve Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings of Home Appliances
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley introduced the Energy Efficient Appliances Act, which will improve federal energy efficiency standards for a wide range of appliances, reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions, and save consumers and businesses money.
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces ‘Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act’ to Reduce Carbon Emissions
Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley introduced the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act, legislation to incentivize the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and help the aviation sector reduce carbon emissions.
- November 2020
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley introduced the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act, legislation to incentivize the production of sustainable aviation fuel and help the aviation sector reduce carbon emissions.
- August 2020
California would benefit from a climate-crisis action plan
Across California, members of our communities are no strangers to the catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis, particularly the devastation wrought by wildfires. In 2018, when over 1.8 million acres in the state burned, the Camp Fire in Northern California officially became the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in our state’s history, breaking a record set only a year before with the Tubbs Fire in Napa and Sonoma counties.
- June 2020
| Press Releases
Brownley and the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Release House Climate Crisis Action Plan
Today, the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis unveiled a comprehensive plan that delineates a framework for congressional climate action on combating the climate crisis.
- February 2020
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bill to Help Support Zero-Emission Vehicle Manufacturing
Today, Congresswoman Brownley introduced the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Program Reform Act, which expands the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to cover all types of zero-emission vehicles and reform the loan application process.
| Press Releases
Brownley Statement on 2020 State of the Union
Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) issued a statement today after President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address.
- January 2020
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bill to Make the Federal Government a Zero-Emission Vehicle Leader
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village) introduced the Green Federal Fleet Act, which would require all new, non-tactical, passenger vehicles purchased or leased by the federal government to be zero-emission vehicles.
- December 2019
| Press Releases
Brownley Joins Bicameral Congressional Delegation to Madrid for COP25
Congresswoman Brownley (D-Westlake Village) joined a bicameral Congressional delegation visit to Madrid, Spain for the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, known as COP25.
- November 2019
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bill to Make the Federal Government a Renewable Energy Leader
Today, Congresswoman Brownley (D-Westlake Village) introduced the Green Energy for Federal Buildings Act, which would require the federal government to increase the amount of renewable energy it consumes to 35% of its total electricity by 2030, 75% by 2040, and 100% by 2050. This bill would also encourage – to the maximum extent possible – that the federal government use renewable energy that is produced on-site at federal facilities, on federal lands, or on tribal lands.
- June 2019
| Press Releases
House Approves Brownley Amendment to Increase Funding for Wildfire Science
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that included an amendment offered by Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) to increase federal funding for wildfire science research. Brownley offered her amendment to the FY 2020 appropriations bill (H.R. 3055) to increase funding for the Joint Fire Science Program within the U.S. Department of Interior from $3 million to $4 million.
| Press Releases
Brownley Announces Grants for Cleaner School Buses in Ventura County
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) announced the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded our community two grants totaling $120,000 to replace older model diesel school buses with cleaner, more environmentally-friendly, lower-emission buses.
| Press Releases
Brownley and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Chair Castor Take Tour of Ventura County to See Firsthand the Impacts of Climate Change and Efforts Underway to Combat These Effects
On Friday, May 31st, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) and Congresswoman Kathy Castor (D-FL), Chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, took a tour of Ventura County to discuss the various ways climate change is already affecting and will continue to impact different sectors of the region. Congresswoman Brownley and Chair Castor visited Naval Base Ventura County – Point Mugu, held a roundtable discussion at the Port of Hueneme, and toured Houweling’s Tomatoes in Camarillo.
- February 2019
| Press Releases
Brownley Appointed to Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
Today, Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) released a statement after it was announced that she would serve as a member of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.
- January 2019
| Press Releases
Brownley Introduces Bills to Increase Local Infrastructure Investment, Cut Big Oil Subsidies
Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) today introduced two pieces of legislation that would increase local infrastructure investments, improve safety, create jobs, and reduce congestion. Specifically, the first bill would eliminate tax subsidies for Big Oil and redirect those funds to the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program, which helps states and localities fund infrastructure projects. The second bill would increase the portion of the STBG program that goes directly to local communities, like Ventura County.